Well the last "procedure" I had on my shoulder--made a world of difference! I'm going to PT less and less, and I'm able to do more. Hopefully next month I'll be able to quilt! Yeah!
Kyle & Gracie traded bedrooms, so their rooms got makeovers. I'll post some pictures soon. (I hope soon.)
I've been able to do some painting, a little at a time. I've finally finished a painting I started over a year ago.
In other news, a lot of changes are happening for our family. We have just found out our financial situation is changing dramatically, and we will be moving to Orem this summer. I'm in a situation where I need to do some downsizing, and I need to raise some money. That means that I am destashing a lot of my fabric. I'll be listing FQ sets, yardage and scrap bundles. I also have finished quilts for sale. I'll start off listing them in my Zibbet Shop. If there is any fabric you are looking for--feel free to email me and I'll see if I have it. Thanks for all the encouraging comments on my recovery, I really appreciate them all!