Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter pics

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter--we sure did!
I love Easter for what it really means, and also because it is just so much fun!

Don't let the leisurely looking stroll fool you... was all a race.

Notice how there are no pictures of Tony? He spent the day behind the camera. He did pick out these shoes though, aren't they so dang cute!?!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

I am thankful for the personal experiences that have given me the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ! 
May you all enjoy this special day. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Well the last "procedure" I had on my shoulder--made a world of difference! I'm going to PT less and less, and I'm able to do more. Hopefully next month I'll be able to quilt! Yeah!

Kyle & Gracie traded bedrooms, so their rooms got makeovers. I'll post some pictures soon. (I hope soon.)
I've been able to do some painting, a little at a time. I've finally finished a painting I started over a year ago. 

In other news, a lot of changes are happening for our family.  We have just found out our financial situation is changing dramatically, and we will be moving to Orem this summer. I'm in a situation where I need to do some downsizing, and I need to raise some money.  That means that I am destashing a lot of my fabric. I'll be listing FQ sets, yardage and scrap bundles. I also have finished quilts for sale. I'll start off listing them in my Zibbet Shop. If there is any fabric you are looking for--feel free to email me and I'll see if I have it. 

Thanks for all the encouraging comments on my recovery, I really appreciate them all!