Monday, July 28, 2008

Crazy Four Patch Quilt Block

Wanna make a Crazy Four Patch Block?

I love this block. I use it over and over again and I don't get tired of it!

Here is how I make it:

Cut your fabric into squares. These are 6.5" squares. Any size will work. This would be an easy block to make using Layer Cakes.

Stack your squares into a pile. I'm only using four, but I usually stack at least 8 at a time.

Lay your ruler at an angle through the middle-ish of your blocks and cut.

Now take the top piece of fabric from right side, and "shuffle" it to the back of the pile on the right side.

Take the top fabric from each side and sew them right sides together. Repeat through your whole stack. Press your seams to one side. Keep your stack in the same order.

Now use your ruler to make another angled middle-ish cut in the opposite direction as the last cut.

Then take the top 3 fabric layers on the right side, and move them to the bottom of the pile.

Again take your top two layers and sew them right sides together, lining up your middle seams. Repeat through your stack and press your seams.

Now your blocks should look something like this.

Now use your cutting mat & ruler to square up your stack of blocks.

My blocks ended up at 5.5" after being squared.

You can use coordinating, or not so coordinating fabrics. Or just use up all the bigger scraps you may have laying around.


TaraB said...

I love that idea of the four patch. I think I may have to try it!

Allie said...

Tara, once you start, you may not be able to stop! If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Have fun,

Kim said...

I was looking for a pattern that I googled by name and stumbled upon your crazy 4 patch and your blog.. Wow what a cute pattern and great way to use up some extra pieces too! Thanks for sharing....

susan said...

thanks so much for the tute
i think i need to hit the fat quarter shop for a layer cake!!
the minky isnt hard to quilt?

Shannon said...

Hi Alli, I just found your blog. Your quilt is so cute and easy. Why haven't you brought it into the Corn Wagon to show us. You are one talented girl.

Jenny said...

I love this pattern, it looks really simple but very effective. Very nice blog!

karen said...

I came across your blogsite, and automatically was drawn to the beautiful photos of the quilts, ect.. I am so excited to try the crazy 4 patch.. I have been trying to find a Twisted 9 patch pattern, but havent found a free one as of yet. This crazy patch will do the trick though.. I am excited to have found your patterns! I am a blessed quilter today, lol!!

JariJari said...

i will add this to my To-Do List...thanks for sharing.